Let me just say, singing is probably--no, definitely--my favorite way of worship. And don't you believe that is what God intended? All through the ages songs have been used by His people to relay messages of praise and rejoicing. The children of Israel sang in the wilderness when God delivered them time after time, David wrote and played hundreds of songs, the angels sang the night Jesus was born, Paul and Silas sang in prison, and these are only a few instances.
What I'm getting to with this, everyone has a voice that can sing. True, some people are born with or have a condition set in later in life that causes them to be totally tone deaf, but it is rare. If you can speak expressively, you can learn to sing. It may take some effort, and you may need to ask for help, but it will be worth the pleasure you get out of it later! Besides being God-ordained, singing has many physical and psychological benefits: improves posture, strengthens lungs, keeps your voice young, releases "feel-good" endorphins in your brain, singing as a group brings everyone involved a feeling of camaraderie and together-ness... it's a good thing, friends!